Treatment of computer vision syndrome

Computer vision syndrome treatment should be started with a comprehensive eye examination in the ophthalmological clinic SVIT ZORU

Presently, owing to global computerization, the number of complaints from people who work with computers increases.

Visual organ disorders represent a special theme for the research of negative effects of computer on human health. It promoted the formation of the new concept within the structure of eye diseases, which can be named as a computer fatigue syndrome (computer syndrome). Harmful influence on human eyes of the computer is a gradual process and its negative effects can accumulate. Strenuous visual performance after a while can cause so called computer vision syndrome. Computer vision syndrome manifests itself as visual fatigue, pain in eyes, lacrimation, sense of foreign body in eyes and shortsightedness. As a whole, unprofessional work with computers causes work decrement and functional defect of the whole organism.

Computer vision syndrome is our number one concern in the structure of pathologies among PC users. Computer vision syndrome incidence depends on time of work with a computer and a monitor type. Long work with a computer requires higher concentration, which results in heavy loads of the vision system. Children and people with accommodation and convergence disorders have greater problems .

Computer vision syndrome is accompanied by complaints, which may be divided into two groups:

  • asthenopic complaints: decrement in distant- and near-vision acuity, accommodation disorder, double vision, rapid fatigability while reading, change of configurations and dimensions of subjects, change of chromesthesia and disorder of binocular single vision;
  • ophthalmic complaints: sensation of heaviness, burning and “sandpaper” in the eyes, pain when moving eyes, redness, tearing, photophobia and sensation of tired eyes.

Computer syndrome treatment should be started with a comprehensive eye examination. If you permanently work with computer, you will be recommended to have eye diagnostics at least once a year. When this happens the eye doctor should obligatory know the average number of hours you spend in front of a monitor.

Above all, computer syndrome treatment includes preventive measures: compliance with a visual regimen (taking breaks while working with computers), convenient furniture, posture, workplace illumination, safe distance from a monitor, exercises for eyes.

If you after all feel insecure about the above mentioned complaints, the doctor will determine the right computer syndrome treatment:

  • optimal optical correction – spectacles or contact lenses will be fitted for computer work;
  • drug therapy – vitamins for eyes will be prescribed, as well as special drops, moisturizing the cornea and mitigating the fatigue feeling and dry eye syndrome;
  • physical therapy: laser therapy, color therapy, electrotherapy, magnetotherapy, pleopto-orthoptic treatment.

Laser stimulation - painless procedure, which will help you recover from unpleasant symptoms during five 10-minute sessions (conducted at a time which suits you). The effect of low intensity beam on the eye structure is the basis for this method. As a result, microcirculation, metabolic processes and nutrition of ocular tissues improve, tissue immunity activates and ciliary muscle spasm is relieved. Contraindications to laser stimulation are acute inflammatory diseases of eyes and retinal pathology.

A course of laser stimulation may be enlarged with the «RELAX» program - computer software, which is also used to cure spasm of accommodation. One session lasts about seven minutes. No contraindications.

Treatment of computer eye syndrome requires a complex approach. The eye specialist chooses methods in different combinations depending on the nature of eye disease and related pathology. Preventive measures and computer syndrome treatment will help protect your eyes during computer work.

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