Seleznyova Olga – the doctor-ophthalmologist of the first category of the clinic SVIT ZORU
Doctor-ophthalmologist of second category

She has been working in the company since 2013. Doctor's practice for 9 years. Specialization: adult ophthalmology.

The primary focus of professional development of doctor are refraction and methods for its correction. Excellent command of the methods of selection of contact and spectacle correction, including complicated progressive lenses and individual prescription lenses. Familiar with a wide range of products and capabilities of modern optics (office lenses, sports, driving, photochromic, etc.).

She is a regular participant in international and Ukrainian scientific-practical conferences on treatment of eye disease and dispensary observation of patients.

The main directions of the work:

  • diagnosis of diseases of the eye (adult reception);
  • treatment of inflammatory diseases of the anterior segment of the eye;
  • spectacle and contact correction of vision;
  • machine treatment.
We offer you to join us at the reception